April 3, 2008, Guelph, Ont. – Should the province approve certification for Ontario flower growers, what would you see as Flower Canada Ontario's priorities in tackling
the major issues facing the industry today?
April 3, 2008, Guelph, Ont. – The majority of Ontario’s greenhouse floriculture growers who
participated in a recent vote support Flowers Canada (Ontario) being
designated as their representative association and paying a mandatory
licence fee to fund the organization. For details, see full story.
Should the province OK this application, what would you see as FCO's priorities in tackling the major issues facing the industry today? How much attention should be directed to marketing initiatives; how do we grow the market? What areas of research are you most interested in seeing more work on? How can border access be improved?
Send us an e-mail , or fill out the comment form below. You can remain anonymous, if you prefer. All submissions will be reviewed before posting.
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