Greenhouse Canada

Tropical plant expo will be virtual in January

December 1, 2020  By Greenhouse Canada

COVID-19 continues to claim victims, and the onsite expos and conferences are among them.

According to a press release, the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) reached a reluctant decision to cancel Tropical Plant International Expo – TPIE 2021 –  scheduled for January 20-22, 2021 in Tampa, Fla.

“We knew a level of unease would get in the way of face-to-face business meetings and in-person networking,” says Linda Adams, TPIE show manager and FNGLA’s chief operating officer  “With so many enthusiastic TPIE exhibitors and attendees, cancellation is a big disappointment, yet FNGLA appreciates everyone’s understanding of this final decision.”


Attendees who pre-registered for TPIE will be refunded automatically.

With coronavirus numbers dramatically spiking, exhibitor and buyer participation in TPIE became increasingly questionable, as it remains challenging for many international buyers and exhibitors to travel to the U.S. and many corporate buyers remain on travel restrictions.

The TPIE 2021 dates (January 20-22) will be delivered online, the TPIE Opening Session with Max Luthy, and the educational sessions which were to take place at the show.

The FNGLA states that it “will continue to serve as a conduit between buyers and exhibitors, offering targeted information on plant availability, showcasing exhibitors and their plants and products, and more.”

The next TPIE will be held in Tampa, Fla. on January 19-21, 2022.

Becoming increasingly concerned over the recent and alarming increases in coronavirus cases across the country and within Florida, show organizers determined FNGLA could not assure the positive and rewarding experience attendees and exhibitors have come to expect and enjoy each year at TPIE.

FNGLA states that it will soon send out information to our exhibitors and supporters on several meaningful ways to keep the TPIE connection between buyers and exhibitors strong and active, especially at a time when interior and tropical plant demand is so high.

“FNGLA’s volunteer leaders and staff hope you, your families and employees are faring well and you carry within you a resolute determination that we will prevail through this pandemic,” adds Adams. “With FNGLA protecting and promoting the future of Florida’s nursery and landscape industry, we will push through these challenging times and emerge with a bright future ahead.”

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