Greenhouse Canada

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New Botrytis control for tomatoes

December 2, 2009  By Jim Chaput OMAFRA Minor Use Coordinator

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New Botrytis control
for tomatoes

The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the
approval of a minor use label expansion for Scala SC fungicide (pyrimethanil) for control of
Botrytis gray mould on greenhouse tomatoes in Canada.



Dec. 2, 2009 – The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the
approval of a minor use label expansion for Scala SC fungicide (pyrimethanil) for control of
Botrytis gray mould on greenhouse tomatoes in Canada. Scala fungicide was
already labeled for use on apples, pears, grapes, strawberries and potatoes in
the field; however this is the first full registration of this product in
greenhouse food crops.

This minor use submission was sponsored by Alberta Agriculture and the
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (BCMAL) in response to minor
use priorities identified by greenhouse tomato producers in Canada. 

Disease management has been a high priority for greenhouse tomato
producers for many years and the registration of Scala fungicide will provide
greenhouse tomato producers with an effective and useful disease management and
resistance management tool.

Scala fungicide can be applied once at the first sign of disease or as
a rotational fungicide with other registered gray mold control products at a
rate of 2.0 L product per ha. This one application will provide control of gray
mold for 7 days depending on disease conditions. One application of Scala
fungicide is permitted per growing season and the pre-harvest interval for
greenhouse tomatoes is one day.

fungicide should be used in an integrated disease management program and in
rotation with other management strategies. Follow all other precautions and
directions for use on the Scala fungicide label.

This minor use submission was sponsored by Alberta Agriculture and
BCMAL as a result of priorities established in consultation with
producers.  We also wish to thank
the personnel of Bayer
CropScience Canada Inc. for their support of this registration and the personnel of
the Pest Management
Regulatory Agency for evaluating and approving this important pest
management tool.

For copies of the new minor use label, contact Gillian Ferguson, OMAFRA’s
greenhouse vegetable IPM specialist, at 519-738-1258 or visit

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