GreenSys grower sessions
Two days of grower sessions will be
featured during the upcoming International Symposium on High Technology
for Greenhouse Systems.
April 14, 2009, Québec City — Two days of grower sessions will be featured during the upcoming International Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse Systems. GreenSys 2009 is being hosted at the hotel Loews Le Concorde from June 14 to 19. A research program is also being presented.
The symposium will focus on energy and environmental themes. It will also deal with sustainability, greenhouse design and management, substrates and hydroponics, controlled environment agriculture including space cultivation, cultural practices and plant protection, as well as education and training.
Dr. Martine Dorais (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) and Dr. André Gosselin (Centre de Recherche en Horticulture at Université Laval) will co-chair the organizing committees.
The conference is expected to attract several hundred scientists, growers, crop advisors and manufacturers involved in the greenhouse sector from more than 30 countries.
A significant part of the program will pertain specifically to growers and others involved in the greenhouse industry, particularly the two-day Technical Program. Scheduled technical sessions as of mid-April (check the GreenSys website for updates) include the following:
• Greenhouse opportunities and challenges in the province of Québec, by Gilles Turcotte, AgriSys Consultants Inc., Québec, and André Carrier, MAPAQ, Québec.
• An analysis of the agriculture energy situation in Québec, throughout Canada, and elsewhere, by Daniel Bernier, UPA, Québec.
• Results of geothermal trials, by Ariane Grisey, CTIFL, France.
• Potential of closed greenhouse in North America, by Peter Klapwijk, GreenQ, the Netherlands.
• Heating system-utilizing biomass: an update on this combustible, by Shalin Khosla, OMAFRA, Ontario.
• A vision of future of greenhouse coverings and structures (Speaker to be confirmed).
• Greenhouse production in China: the dragon wakes up, by Xu Hiu, Shenyang Agricultural University, P.R. China.
• Sustainable production in greenhouses: who can benefit?, by Stefania De Pascale, University of Naples, Italy.
• Innovative technologies for the biocontrol of greenhouse diseases and insects, by Liette Lambert, MAPAQ, Québec.
• Sustainable integrated system utilizing biomass, by Martine Dorais, AAFC, Québec.
• Supplementary lighting with LED; a progress update, by Silke Hemming, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
• New products and innovations in greenhouse engineering, by Gene Giacomelli, University of Arizona.
• Energy saving through an improved understanding and control of humidity and temperature, by Steve Adams, Warwick HRI, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
• Recirculation of nutrient solutions: new developments, by Serge Lequillec, CTIFL, France.
• Plant-Based Control: Holy Grail or Mission Impossible, by Peter Kamp, Priva, the Netherlands.
• Flower production in high tunnels, by Chris Wien, Cornell University, U.S.
• The labour challenges in floriculture, by Albert Grimm, Jeffery’s Greenhouse, Ontario.
• The present trends and future packaging in floriculture, by Michel Senécal, MAPAQ, Québec.
• Cool growing spring crops or how to lower production costs, by Jack Williams, Ecke Ranch, U.S.
• Genetic selection criteria’s in floriculture; what will flowers resemble in the future?, by Will Healy, Ball Horticultural Company.
• New Plants in 2010 – as seen at California Pack Trials (speaker to be confirmed).
• Growing strawberries and raspberries in greenhouses, by Kris Goen, Proefcentrum Hoogstraten, Belgium.
• New technologies in floriculture production, by Royal Heins, Michigan State University/Oro Farms, U.S.
• Biological control of greenhouse pests: keys to success, by Dominique-André Demers, Biobest, Ontario.
• Tomato and fish production in the greenhouse, by Peter Klapwijk, GreenQ, the Netherlands.
• New techniques in vegetable production, by Kris Goen, Proefcentrum Hoogstraten, Belgium.
• Greenhouse production in Ontario, by Dean Thiessen, greenhouse grower, Ontario.
• Hydroponic lettuce production: a world vision, by Luc Desrochers, Hydronov inc., Québec.
• Lighting of pepper production, by Ep Heuvelink, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
• Biological production of vegetables, by Wim Voogt, WUR Greenhouse Horticulture, the Netherlands.
• Greenhouse production: importance of bio-safety, by Robert Erwin, EuroFresh, U.S.
• Producing 150 or 500 fruit/m2/yr: from the lab to reality (Scandinavian system), by Timo Helle, Helle Oy, Finland.
• Greenhouse development in Mexico, by Hector Gallagios, Consultant, Harnois Industries, Mexico.
For registration and complete program information, including the tours and the scientific program, check the website at www.greensys2009.com.
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