Greenhouse Canada

Vertical farming project in the Maritimes

November 7, 2012  By Dave Harrison

Nov. 7, 2012, Vancouver — Vertical Designs Ltd. has signed an exclusive
licensing agreement for the entire Atlantic region of Canada with a
non-disclosed private local group from New Brunswick to construct a
fully automated, indoor vertical farming facility.

Nov. 7, 2012, Vancouver — Vertical Designs Ltd. has signed an exclusive licensing agreement for the entire Atlantic region of Canada with a non-disclosed private local group from New Brunswick to construct a fully automated, indoor vertical farming facility.

Products will include a series of top quality, pesticide-free fruits and vegetables that can be grown and harvested year-round without any threat of seasonal changes or extreme weather challenges.


“With deals moving forward in the provinces of Ontario, Alberta, and now the entire region of Atlantic Canada, Vertical Designs Ltd. has become a national leader in the vertical farming movement,” said Vertical Designs CEO Nick Brusatore. 

“We look forward to supporting our current licensees and contributing to this amazing new brand of specialized farming on a global level.”

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