Greenhouse Canada

Unifor urges overhaul of temporary workers program

May 16, 2014  By Unifor

May 16, 2014, Toronto — Raising wages for workers in the temporary
foreign workers program and increasing the fees paid by companies is a
good start, but does nothing to make the workers any less vulnerable,
Unifor national president Jerry Dias says.

May 16, 2014, Toronto — Raising wages for workers in the temporary foreign workers program and increasing the fees paid by companies is a good start, but does nothing to make the workers any less vulnerable, Unifor national president Jerry Dias says.

"This program takes advantage of the desperation of workers in other countries, forcing them to leave their families for jobs in Canada," Dias said, adding that promises to crack down on abuses of the program don't address its fundamental problems.


Dias called for the program to transition into one that allows the workers involved to stay in Canada permanently. Canada has a long and proud history of people coming here to build a better life for their families, said Dias.

"The difference is that they could build that life with their families. The workers in this program deserve the same opportunity," Dias said. "If they are good enough to work here, they are good enough to live here with their families."

Workers in the program can only stay in Canada as long as their work permits allow. They cannot bring their families with them, and most are barred from applying for citizenship. If they lose their jobs, they face being told to leave the country, said Dias.

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