Greenhouse Canada

Ornamental boosters welcome new directors

February 14, 2014  By Dave Harrison

Feb. 14, 2014, Monterey, CA — The boards of directors and governing
bodies of both All-America Selections (AAS) and National Garden Bureau
(NGB) met during the ASTA (American Seed Trade Association) Flower and
Seed Conference in Monterey, California.

Feb. 14, 2014, Monterey, CA — The boards of directors and governing bodies of both All-America Selections (AAS) and National Garden Bureau (NGB) met during the ASTA (American Seed Trade Association) Flower and Seed Conference in Monterey, California.

At these yearly meetings, each organization regularly elects new directors and officers to fill vacated positions of those leaders who have successfully filled their terms.

AAS has welcomed new director Justin Hancock from Costa Nursery. The new treasurer is Patty Buskirk from Seeds By Design/Terra Organics.

Mike Murgiano of Syngenta Flowers was thanked for his years of service to the AAS board. He was a director from 2009-2011 and treasurer from 2011-2014.

The NGB welcomes new director Jeanine Standard from Proven Winners, president Claire Watson from PanAmerican Seed, vice-president Heather Kibble from Sakata Home Garden, and interim treasurer Janis Kieft from Botanical Interests, who is also serving as past president.

NGB thanked Bill Watson from Grimes Horticulture who has served on the board in various capacities since 2003; Stephanie Turner of Park Seed who has also served the board in many roles since 2006; and Mike Huggett from American Takii who has served as a director since 2010.


Founded in 1920, National Garden Bureau is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire home gardeners to spend more time gardening while at the same time, converting non-gardeners into becoming gardeners.


All-America Selections® was founded in 1932 and continues as the oldest independent testing organization in North America.

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