Greenhouse Canada

OFVGA launches new website

January 15, 2015  By Dave Harrison

Jan. 15, 2015, Guelph, Ont. – The Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association (OFVGA) has launched its new website.

It is the final piece of the development of the organization’s new corporate identity, which began with the launch of a new logo and trade show materials last fall.

“As a lobby organization, the OFVGA needs a website that is easy to use and accessible across all sorts of device platforms, as well as being compatible with all accessibility requirements,” says executive vice-president John Kelly.

“Our new website does all that and more and we look forward to it being a cornerstone of all of our communications efforts.”

The new hub for the organization’s outreach and lobbying activities, visible at, is mobile compatible and integrates social media, including the OFVGA’s Twitter account @OntFruitVeg.

Other key features include electronic registration for events like the annual general meeting and a separate, login-protected area where board members will be able to electronically access meeting materials and other board-specific documents.

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