Greenhouse Canada

N.S. picnics to promote “buy local” campaign

July 28, 2008  By The Canadian Press

1958_select_nsJuly 28, 2008, Halifax — The Nova
Scotia government is pushing the concept of “buy local” to encourage
consumers to support the province’s farmers. It is launching a Select
Nova Scotia campaign that will include province-wide picnics during
August featuring locally grown foods.

July 28, 2008, Halifax — The Nova Scotia government is pushing the concept of “buy local” to encourage consumers to support the province’s farmers. It is launching a Select Nova Scotia campaign that will include province-wide picnics during August featuring locally grown foods. 1958_select_ns
Agriculture Minister Brooke Taylor says the advertising campaign will include television, billboards, transit shelter and newspaper ads. It will encourage consumers to buy local, look for the Select Nova Scotia symbol on products, and attend the “Incredible Picnic.” Inspiration for the event comes from the 1,000-kilometre cross-country picnic held on Bastille Day in France where participants celebrate with local food.
The Nova Scotia Greenhouse Vegetable Marketing Board is among participating organizations in the Select Nova Scotia campaign.

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