Greenhouse Canada

News Crops
Presia Ag Insights launched to support regenerative agricultural practices

November 28, 2023  By Greenhouse Canada

 Nov. 28, 2023 – McCain Food has launched its newly formed business unit, Presia Ag Insights (“Presia”). The unit, based in Ontario and Eastern Canada, is comprised primarily of data scientists and software developers, with nearly a decade of experience working with crop-monitoring technologies on potatoes.

Presia aims to help farmers and crop-sourcing partners better evaluate and predict crop yields, optimize harvest timing and enhance on-farm sustainability practices. Specializing in satellite-based, data-driven intelligence, Presia hopes to foster the monitoring and adoption of regenerative agricultural practices by stakeholders across the agriculture sector.

Presia is the evolution of McCain’s acquisition of the predictive crop portfolio from Resson in 2022. Their portfolio included vision-intelligence-based technologies that better leverage field data and satellite imagery to assess more accurately the status of a potato crop. The Resson team that managed the predictive crop intelligence portfolio joined McCain in June 2022.


The insights from Presia’s data and models were designed to help its customers better manage their crops, support earlier yield estimates with greater accuracy, and improve crop monitoring and sampling efficiency.

While the focus is currently on potatoes, Presia’s data and models could be expanded to other crops in the future.

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