Greenhouse Canada

Homeowners have big plans for outdoor renos

October 8, 2013  By Canadian Garden Centre & Nursery

Oct. 8, 2013, Toronto — Outdoor spaces could be getting a lot of TLC over the next year. More than one-quarter of Canadian homeowners planning to renovate in the next 12 months have outdoor jobs at the top of their wish lists.

Twenty-six per cent of homeowners are planning outdoor renovations and/or renovations to the structure of the home.

According to Scotiabank's Home Renovations Poll, nearly two in 10 homeowners (18 per cent) plan to do all the work themselves. These do-it-yourselfers can benefit from in-store workshops designed to help them take on their reno projects.


The majority of homeowners (84 per cent), intend to do some or none of the work themselves and will hire a professional to help. The key considerations when hiring a professional are reputation (88 per cent), budget (74 per cent) and referrals (52 per cent). Including testimonials from satisfied customers who used your services to complete projects of all sizes can help market your garden centre to this customer segment.

The homeowners surveyed reported that their top sources of inspiration for renovation projects are TV programs (35 per cent), family, friends and neighbours (34 per cent) and magazines (33 per cent).

The online survey was conducted between Aug. 21 and 27, with a random sample of 1,004 current homeowners across Canada.

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