Greenhouse Canada


Enhanced Agri-Food Workplace Protection Program Webinar (Ontario)

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February 02, 2021

WHAT: Enhanced Agri-Food Workplace Protection Program Webinar

WHEN: February 2nd, 12:00pm (1 hr)

Description: Funding is available through this program to help eligible farm businesses with expenses related to the COVID-19 response. Bradley Shaw from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will provide an overview of the program, eligible expenses and how to submit your application. A question and answer period will follow the presentation.

HOW: Register for this Zoom meeting using the link below!

Program Basics:

DID YOUR FARM BUSINESS incur costs related to COVID-19? Funding is available to help mitigate costs in the following categories:

  • Preventative Occupational Health and Safety Measures for preventative occupational health and safety measures such as personal protective and medical testing equipment, enhanced cleaning and disinfection supplies and more. Learn more
  • Worker Wages and Isolation Expenses for worker wages and isolation cost reimbursements for workplace positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts ordered to isolate. Learn more
  • On-Farm Worker Safety Improvement Program for farm worker safety infrastructure projects up to $100,000 such as housing or workplace modifications and equipment to enhance health and safety of workers.  Learn more

Eligible applications for cost-share funding related to worker protection will be received and assessed on a continuous basis, while funding is available OR until February 26th, 2021.  This means it may be an advantage to submit an application as early as possible.


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