Greenhouse Canada

Features Crops Flowers
More consumers will look for pansies in 2017

June 30, 2016  By Dave Harrison

June 30, 2016, Downers Grove, IL – Want suggestions of what plants to add or expand production of within your product line for 2017?

Pansies would be a good bet, along with daffodils, roses and brassica.

National Garden Bureau, the non-profit organization promoting gardening in North America on behalf of the horticulture industry and its members, has announced the four plant classes that will be featured in the 2017 “Year of the” program.

• For bulbs – daffodil.

• For annuals – pansy.

• For vegetables/edibles – brassica.

• For perennials – rose.


NGB is making the announcement now, in advance of Cultivate’16, the largest all-industry trade show in North America. Stop by booth #1527 to learn more about this comprehensive program and point-of-purchase materials that are available from Garden Center

In expanding the program further, NGB has created a video about brassicas, produced by and starring well-known cook, author and storyteller Jonathan Bardzik. That video can be viewed on YouTube and shared by any person or company who wishes to promote gardening and cooking with the many brassicas available.


As always, the National Garden Bureau board of directors selects crops specifically for the North American market that are easy to grow and genetically diverse with a lot of new varieties to choose from. Breeders, brokers, seed companies, growers and garden centres throughout the U.S. and Canada are urged to highlight these flowers and plants when planning their marketing for the 2017 season as the publicity generated from this program is substantial.

Both members and non-members are encouraged to take advantage of the publicity this program generates by using the attached logos in their 2017 catalogs, websites, advertisements and other marketing materials.

By mid-November 2016, National Garden Bureau will have photos of numerous varieties of all four crops (provided by NGB members) posted on its website. NGB also provides PDFs of factsheets, flyers, handouts, signage etc. After Nov. 15, all of the above can be downloaded at no charge from the NGB website.


Garden writer publicity will begin in September 2016.

Consumer publicity will begin in January 2017.

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