Greenhouse Canada

Features Business Retail
What’s new for you in 2011?

January 20, 2011  By Amanda Ryder

Jan. 20, 2011 – A new year brings a chance to reflect on what works in
your business and what doesn't. Are you introducing a great new
promotion or making changes to your garden centre? Tell us about it!

Jan. 20, 2011 – A new year brings a chance to reflect on what works in
your business and what doesn't. Are you introducing a great new
promotion or making big (or small) changes to your garden centre? Do you have a
great idea that you think will drive more customers to your store or website? Tell us about it!

Send us your new strategy and there's a chance we'll feature it in the next issue. You'll be able to read about what your fellow garden centres are doing and share your own tricks and tips.

Email or comment below to share your idea or strategy. We can't wait to hear from you!

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