Greenhouse Canada

Webinar: HPS or LED for cannabis?


When: October 23, 2018, 2PM (EDT)
View recording here

SPEAKER: James Eaves, Professor, Laval University

The efficiency of HPS and LED lights for indoor cannabis production has been hotly debated in the industry. A new study may shed some light on this long-standing rivalry. Researchers from Laval University recently compared the performance of LED and HPS lighting for growing cannabis indoors. The experiment was conducted in Green Seal Cannabis Company’s vertical-farm facility. 

This webinar, presented by Laval University professor James Eaves, will discuss the results of the study and help you make business decisions about your cannabis production lighting system. 

About the speaker: James Eaves is an agricultural economist, data scientist and professor. His passion is in finding ways to improve the profitability of urban farming. Eaves works with vegetables and cannabis growers to develop and test innovative growing strategies, and teaches courses on product management, innovation and entrepreneurial finance. 

The webinar is over, but you can still view the recording here