Greenhouse Canada

Veg grower is new TOGA chair

June 12, 2013  By Dave Harrison

June 12, 2013, Toronto — Waterdown greenhouse grower Jan VanderHout is the new Chair of The Ontario Greenhouse Alliance.

June 12, 2013, Toronto — Waterdown greenhouse grower Jan VanderHout is the new chair of The Ontario Greenhouse Alliance.

TOGA represents both vegetable and floral greenhouse producers on critical issues. Current issues include the implementation of Ontario's Nutrient Management Act regulation and how Ontario’s greenhouses can be part of the solution to the Province’s electricity requirements.

VanderHout, a long-serving director on TOGA’s board and most recently its treasurer, takes over this role from Réjean Picard who completed a five-year term as Chair at the end of May.

“We are extremely indebted to Réjean for the leadership he has provided to TOGA and the service he has given to our sector,” said VanderHout.

Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food, Hon. Kathleen Wynne,
thanks Rejean Picard (on the right) for his years of service to
greenhouse agriculture in Ontario, including his five-year term as TOGA
chair. Looking on is incoming chair Jan Vanderhout. The photo was taken in
May at the annual TOGA reception at Queen’s Park.

VanderHout has served as a director on the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers board for over 10 years and currently is its vice-chair, as well as serving as a director on the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association board.

Working with his brother Dale, the VanderHouts specialize in the production of cucumbers in a recently expanded greenhouse farm.


VanderHout noted the greenhouse sector continues to expand and will continue to be an important engine of Ontario’s growth and a major employer.

“We cannot take growth for granted. It needs to be planned. To that end, we will be working to ensure that energy infrastructure keeps pace with the needs of our growers.”

Promoting products that are healthy for body and soul, the sector will serve an ever more vital role in the lives of consumers.

“Our farmers provide ornamentals that contribute to the quality of our life by enhancing our green spaces and deliver nutritious fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers increasingly year-round to enrich our diets.”


The sector is noted for its innovation in technology in order to give consumers outstanding quality at competitive prices.

“We are continuing to advance in our efforts to be leaders in sustainable agriculture. It’s a message we plan to emphasize.”

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