Greenhouse Canada

Share your thoughts and be part of the solution!

August 8, 2011  By Amanda Ryder

Aug. 8, 2011 – Ontario's green industry will experience a shortfall of 87,000 workers in the next 10 years. You can take part in the human resources solution.

Aug. 8, 2011 – Ontario's green industry will experience a shortfall of 87,000 workers in the next 10 years. Be a part of our human resources solution.

The green industry needs your experience and knowledge to address recruitment and retention challenges. Landscape Ontario, in association with Employment Ontario, OPA and Humber College, is planning four facilitated sessions across the province to generate ideas and solutions!

Please reserve your spot TODAY to participate in one of the sessions below:
Ottawa, Algonquin College    Aug. 9: 1  – 5 p.m.
Sudbury, Holiday Inn    Aug. 16: 8 a.m. – 12 Noon
Toronto, Humber College    Aug. 17: 8 a.m. – 12 Noon
London, Fanshawe College    Aug. 18: 8 a.m. – 12 Noon

Click here to register and reserve your spot!

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