Selecta Trials hosting Profit Center™
January 2, 2009 By Stefan Reiner Selecta First Class
Jan. 2, 2009, Encinitas, CA — Selecta’s Profit Center™ at this year’s
California Pack Trials will present new varieties, great ideas and
technical updates with profits in mind.
Jan. 2, 2009, Encinitas, CA — Selecta’s Profit Center™ at this year’s California Pack Trials will present new varieties, great ideas and technical updates with profits in mind. Selecta will present the 2009/10 spring annual program, focusing on the novelties, varieties in different forms and sizes, including a large number of recipes and cultural trials. The different theme areas will include:
• A section introducing over 50 novelties for 2009/10.
• A large display of varieties in larger pots, gallons, and baskets.
• A number of colourful mixed planters and baskets in different sizes and shapes.
• Selecta's famous Sneak Preview of varieties for 2011.
The snack area will offer an Internet café (featuring a hot spot). Visitors can do business with their customers and suppliers right at the spot. They even can check e-mails, send images, update their clients, and much more while enjoying Selecta’s hospitality.
The Profit Center will operate from March 28 to April 4, from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Encinitas, California.
Contact Angela Storm for further information and reservations by visiting the company's website at www.firstclassplants.com, sending an e-mail to a.storm@firstclassplants.com, or calling toll-free 800-955-5644, ext. 112. To better serve visitors, reservations will be required.
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