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PW announces advertising feature for 2012

October 13, 2011  By Brandi Cowen

bermudaskyuprightNEWS HIGHLIGHT

PW announces advertising feature for 2012

Don’t you hate it when a gardener walks into your garden centre,
magazine in hand, looking to purchase the plants featured in the
publication? Proven Winners is here to help.

bermudaskyuprightOct. 12, 2011 – Don’t you hate it when a gardener walks into your garden center,
magazine in-hand, looking to purchase the plants featured in the
publication? While it isn’t always known what plants an editor might
write about, Proven Winners does know what plants they will be featuring
in all of their print advertising this coming spring. This plant combination will be Bermuda Skies, a delightful blend of
three popular and colorful annuals — Supertunia® Bermuda Beach Petunia,
Laguna® Sky Blue Lobelia and Superbells® Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa — a
combination that is sure to appeal to gardeners across North America.

In spring of 2012, Proven Winners will invest nearly a million dollars
in advertisements in popular consumer and gardening magazines including
Better Homes and Gardens, Country Living, Fine Gardening, Sunset and
Martha Stewart Living, generating nearly 50 million impressions that
will be seen by gardeners everywhere.

And in case you are wondering why Proven Winners chose these plants, or
this combination, it is because they asked tens of thousands of
gardeners back in June of this year. Out of dozens of combinations,
consumers picked Bermuda Skies for its fresh, pastel colors that are
favored by many gardeners.

Proven Winners suggests that growers and retailers ensure that they will
have a strong supply of these three varieties available this spring.
Retailers should consider featuring Bermuda Skies in a solo display,
with the plants needed to make the combination within reach.

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