Greenhouse Canada

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Minor Use control for Duponchelia fovealis approved

July 18, 2008  By By Jim Chaput OMAFRA

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Minor Use control for Duponchelia fovealis approved
The Pest Management Regulatory Agency
(PMRA) recently announced the approval of a minor use label expansion
for BIOPROTEC 3P Biological Insecticide for control of Duponchelia
fovealis on greenhouse ornamentals, greenhouse herbs and greenhouse
vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers for fruit or transplant
production) in Canada.

The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of a minor use label expansion for BIOPROTEC 3P Biological Insecticide for control of Duponchelia fovealis on greenhouse ornamentals, greenhouse herbs and greenhouse vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers for fruit or transplant production) in Canada. BIOPROTEC 3P was already labelled in Canada for management of a wide range of Lepidopteran species on a wide range of crops.
This will provide both organic and conventional producers with a much needed pest management tool to help address this new pest problem. Duponchelia fovealis has been the subject of several emergency use registrations in 2006 and 2008 in Ontario also.
The following is provided as a general outline only. Users should consult the complete label before using BIOPROTEC 3P biological insecticide.   omafra_veg__and_flowers 
BIOPROTEC 3P can be applied as a foliar or drench spray at a rate of 0.8 kgs per 1000 L water. Make application when egg hatch is essentially complete but before crop damage occurs. Apply the product so that it flows along the stem, coating it well, and into the top layer of the soil around the base of the plants. Thorough coverage of foliage and stems is essential. Bioprotec can be reapplied at seven-day intervals as required by monitoring. The preharvest interval is 0 days. 
BIOPROTEC 3P should be used in an integrated pest management program and in rotation with other management strategies. Follow all other precautions and directions for use on the BIOPROTEC 3P label.
This minor use label expansion was sponsored by the provincial minor use office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) in response to minor use and emergency use priorities established by greenhouse ornamental, vegetable and herb producers, Flowers Canada Growers, extension personnel and researchers.
Furthermore, we also wish to thank the personnel of AEF Global Inc. for their support of this registration and the personnel of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency for evaluating and approving this important pest management tool.

For copies of the new minor use label, contact Jim Chaput, OMAFRA minor use co-ordinator, at 519-826-3539; Graeme Murphy, OMAFRA greenhouse floriculture IPM specialist at 905-562-4141 ext. 106, or visit .

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