Maple Leaf outlines cannabis projects in B.C., Nevada
May 25, 2017 By Dave Harrison
May 26, 2017, Calgary – Maple Leaf Green World Inc. has engaged Paramount Structures Inc., a Calgary based company, for the design, engineering and construction of both of its cannabis cultivation facilities at Telkwa, B.C. and Henderson, Nevada.
PSI specializes in the design and construction of high performance building envelopes (“HPBEs”) for the industrial, commercial and residential sectors.
The HPBEs utilize unique materials and construction methods well suited for controlled environment agriculture by being impervious to mold, resistant to water & fire, pest resistant and non-toxic while being highly energy efficient and durable. PSI’s HPBEs incorporate modular construction that reduces time to completion relative to traditional construction methods and can be designed for easy future expansion.
The company intends to develop the 80,000 sq. ft. B.C. facility in two or three phases, with the first phase of 30,000 sq. ft. started immediately and next second and/or third phase to be completed after the company’s application for a license to produce and sell cannabis from Health Canada pursuant to the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (“ACMPR”) has been approved and operation has been streamlined.
The company is currently at Stage 5 – Review with the ACMPR application.
Maple Leaf is also in the process of formalizing its agreement with Woodmere Nursery Ltd. to revise the original leasing agreement from a lease of the greenhouse facility to a lease of land situated on the premises.
In Nevada, the company also intends to develop the 33,500 sq. ft. facility in two phases, with the first phase of 20,000 sq. ft. to be started immediately and the next phase to be completed after the operation has been streamlined.
A more detailed construction plan for both facilities will be announced once all engineering design has been done.
For further information regarding Maple Leaf Green World Inc., please visit www.mlgreenworld.com.
Maple Leaf is a public Canadian company that focuses on the cannabis industry in North America. With over 10 years of extensive greenhouse management experience, it applies its eco-agriculture knowledge and cultivation technology to produce contaminant-free organic cannabis products. Maple Leaf’s long-term objective is to produce cannabis oil and export its products to approved countries.
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