Greenhouse Canada

Features Alternative Fuels Energy
Burt’s Greenhouses warms up to wood waste

July 20, 2010  By Dave Harrison

July 20, 2010, Odessa, Ont. – When Brian Burt and Alex English
were looking into biomass heating systems for their greenhouses, they
could not
find exactly what they needed, so they re-designed an existing system
from the
ground up.

July 20, 2010, Odessa, Ont. – When Brian Burt and Alex English
were looking into biomass heating systems for their greenhouses, they could not
find exactly what they needed, so they re-designed an existing system from the
ground up. 

English and Brian Burt are congratulated by
Northumberland-Quinte West
MPP Lou Rinaldi (at right).

The results are impressive:

• Lower emissions.

• The potential for a byproduct that can be used to fertilize

• An astounding 65 per cent savings in heating costs.

Instead of using 120,000 litres of heating oil a year, the
owners now use 600 tons of wood construction waste, making the operation clean,
green and far less expensive.

This project earned Burt’s Greenhouses one of 55 regional
awards, and with it a $5,000 cash prize, in the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence program. The
five-year, $2.5-million program – announced as part of the 2006 provincial
budget – recognizes that farmers have always been innovative in the running of
their businesses and will foster even greater innovation across the province’s
agri-food sector.

“Our government remains committed to working with farmers and
industry partners to establish a competitive edge for the agri-food sector in
Ontario,” said Premier Dalton McGuinty. “We will ensure the sector’s continued
vitality by nurturing the innovation that is redefining today’s agri-food


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