Dümmen Orange recently unveiled their 2022 poinsettia catalogue.
The publication includes high fashion inspiration for retailers with an eye on how to best merchandise with Dümmen Orange poinsettia varieties. QR codes throughout the catalogue link to professional videos which deliver more in-depth knowledge about the products.
The Dümmen Orange poinsettia program is a combination of two long-standing breeding programs, Ecke and Red Fox.
The history of the Ecke breeding program is solidly represented and said to bring the widest scope of colours, forms and types available in the marketplace. Highlights for 2022 include Norwin Orange, whose namesake celebrates an industry icon, friend and long-time partner to the Ecke program, Norwin Heimos. Norwin Orange is the brightest true orange available, and its early finish makes it an ideal selection for autumn sales.
Green Envy stands out with its unique chartreuse bracts that pair well with Dümmen Orange’s Fall Favorites or as a striking contrast to traditional reds. According to the press release, “Frozen just cannot be beaten when it comes to pure white poinsettias. Consumers will love its fresh look and, unlike many white poinsettias, Frozen offers production ease.”
Among their traditional reds, Imperial’s fiery red bracts stand out at retail with upscale appeal. Growers will like that it is fast to finish and can be grown at high density.
There are other benefits to choosing Dümmen Orange poinsettias. OnTarget, the industry’s first poinsettia graphical tracking app, allows any grower to track poinsettia crop height and make informed decisions about poinsettia culture. The app is convenient and easy to use, featuring a chat function where growers can connect with Dümmen Orange support staff.
Click here to take a look at the 2022 Dümmen Orange poinsettia catalog.
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