Greenhouse Canada

Ball Horticulture hosts grower event

June 24, 2009  By Amanda Ryder

vandeweteringJune 24, 2009 – Ball Horticultural Company and Van de Wetering Greenhouses Inc. hosted an event for local growers on June 16 in Long Island, New York.

Ball Horticultural Company and Van de Wetering Greenhouses Inc. hosted an event for local growers on June 16 in Long Island, New York. This event attracted hundreds of growers from the Northeast, who previewed new and exciting 2010 varieties from Ball FloraPlant® and PanAmerican Seed®. Growers also received a first-hand look at Van de Weterings Plug & Ship program as well as two customer-catching programs that come with big sales, Burpee Home Gardens™ and Simply Beautiful®.
Over 170 of the best-performing varieties were on display for growers to learn which varieties are well-suited for their growing and retail operations. Of the 2010 new varieties, Breathless™ Blush Euphorbia, Versa™ Coleus and Voltage™ Yellow Osteospermum generated the most interest from attendees.
91% of attendees found the event useful in their new variety selection process. “The best thing for me was hearing the 10 minute talk about what is the best for our region,” said Noah Schwartz, Greenhouse Manager for Matterhorn Nursery. “When we go to other trade shows and trials, we’re overwhelmed. It was nice to focus on what’s best for us.”

“This was a great day for our team and for Ball. A lot of growers aren’t able to travel to California for pack trials – this was a great way to bring this information to growers in our area,” said Walter Gravagna, of Van de Wetering Greenhouses.

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